Stage 1: Find Jobs

Stage 1: Find Jobs

We inform you how to find jobs in the Netherlands, Dutch Job Market System, hiring process in the Netherlands, career websites and eventually Build Personalized Career Path for you!


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Stage 1: Find Jobs

I am looking for a job.
I am an Expat who just migrated to the Netherlands.
I am an International Students just graduated from University in EU.

I am a dreamer who had education and established careers in my home country and may have a challenge to continue my careers

Everything is new and grey when you just migrated to the Netherlands or just graduated from University in EU and are looking for jobs.
There are many questions raised during this phase, such as:

  1. How does the Dutch Job Market System work?
  2. How can I find jobs?
  3. Where do I need to look for jobs?
  4. Which website do I need to search?
  5. How is the hiring process?

These questions amongst others caused confusion to a person and raise a new question: where to start first.
This workshop will help you answer all these question including ones in your minds.
Another concern faced is for dreamers. Those who had education and established career in their home countries that may be a challenge to find a job or continue their careers due to language or certain certification.
For this situation, we will Build Personalized Career Path on which you can pick your selected industries and see how you could fit in the path and how to pursue it.