Personalized Career Path

Personalized Career Path

Are you wonder for the next step in your career! We will create a personalized career path on multiple selected industry based on your choice and preference!


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Personalized Career Path

Are you a professional and looking for a new challenge, out of comfort zone, and expand experience?

Some professional have been working for years in one industry and would like to try different industries out of curiosities. Others would like to try different industries to expand their market for future purpose and wonder whom do you need to talk with?

No problem, we have an extensive experience in multiple industries such as raw food material, infant food, pharmaceutical, and medical devices company. These multinational companies are Storteboom, Reckitt Benckiser/Mead Johnson, Merck Sharp Dohme (MSD), Philips and Indonesian Government Body.

We will help you Building Personalized Career Path on your new selected industries and its possibilities.