Business Presentation and Communication

Business Presentation and Communication

Would you like to be fit in Dutch Working Environment? Are you wonder how to present yourself and communicate in the Dutch working community?
Presentation determines your Price! We will help you to get familiar with Business Presentation and Communication work in the Netherlands!


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Business Presentation and Communication

I would like to know how to present myself and communicate in the Dutch Working Environment and Community.

Some expats who just moved into the Netherlands from their home countries may continue their way of presenting themselves or communicate just like how they did in in their home countries. Unfortunately, this may not work in the Netherlands.

Dutch people are known to be very direct, on which for some countries, this behavior can be sensed as very rude.

This workshop will also help to improve to dress appropriately, walk, talk, body language, communicate, behavior and attitude to be fit within the Dutch Working Environment. We will also help you to adapt with the new working environment with our own built Method called ABCDE!

This workshop will help you to build 2 different personas; working personas and private personas on which will be really helpful in the Dutch Working Environment.

Workshop Business Presentation and Communication will help to prepare you mentally and physically entering Dutch Working Environment on which you can see yourself grow and eventually increase your confident!

Presentation Determines Your Price!